Serving within the automotive industry is fast-paced and an interesting career choice. The automotive industry is currently on the path to a more environmentally friendly prospect and technological innovation will be a significant feature as automotive continue to emerge to meet the needs of every economy.

Companies are recognizing gaps in basic skill levels, associating industry recruitment challenges with an absence of ‘job-ready’ candidates. A large proportion of companies employ the vocational training system in response to their skill requirements, influenced partially by the reasonably strong uptake of apprenticeships in the business

  • Dedication to client satisfaction
  • Teamwork and collabration
  • Culture of mutual trust and respect
  • Being leader in our profession
  • Pride in our works and excellences
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Dennis Rodman
Dennis Rodman
Main Engineer of Consto

Consto Construction is one of the best general contractors we've worked with. The entire team tactfully delivered a project of exceptional quality while staying on schedule and under budget. We hope to work with Consto again in the near future!

William James
Life Touch LLC

Consto was completely respectful of the building and its surroundings - they immediately became part of our team and they know teamwork! They kept the jobsite clean and safe; working with Consto is nothing short of a first class experience!

Danny O'Brain
Life Touch LLC

Thank you for all of your hard work on our project…I seriously don’t know how you did it but it came together SO WELL. I know we are a particular bunch and want things a certain way but you guys did such an amazing job!

Christina Anens
Life Touch LLC

I was truly impressed with Consto’s quality workmanship and the final product. Consto provided an outstanding team that completed our project on-time and on schedule with no disruption to the staff.

Jack Danial
Life Touch LLC
Human Base

We believe in a personalized
approach for all works

Trust Base

We believe in a personalized
approach for all works

Education Base

We believe in a personalized
approach for all works

Research Base

We believe in a personalized
approach for all works

Dialogue Base

We believe in a personalized
approach for all works

Quality Base

We believe in a personalized
approach for all works